Clue to Inclusion

Running: September 2018 - November 2019

From September 2018 to November 2019, 8 organizations (education and youth / youth work) from Finland, Norway, Spain and the Netherlands focused on the question:

“Can premature dropout of pupils / students from secondary and vocational education be reduced by using non-formal learning methods within formal education?

In other words, does the combination of formal and non-formal learning methods lead to more inclusive education?

Educational institutions and organizations for youth care and youth work have spoken with young people, teachers, care providers and municipalities within their own institution, city and region. Research has been conducted into existing successful examples and measurement methods. Then it was examined in a European context which examples can be disseminated, what the active factors are and how this can help students / teachers / educational institutions.

This project is funded by Erasmus + Youth within a Key Action 2 Strategic partnership.

There are 3 outcomes of these projects:

– An overview of the effective factors of non-formal learning methods that can be applied in education.

– A research article about the potential of combining formal, non-formal and informal learning.

– A handbook for using Open Badges as a recognition and recognition of the competences students gain through non-formal learning.

Click here for the pdf with the projects results. 

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