Hug to Employment

Running: September 2019 - September 2021

Organizations in the field of non-formal and formal learning from Spain, Norway and the Netherlands are participating in this international project to prevent early school leaving. Ajuntament de Silla is projectleader of Hug to Employment.z

The aim is to develop an individual coaching method to support vulnerable young people in secondary and vocational education. The guidance will take place on social, educational and emotional skills and development. In addition, following good examples from Europe, a program will be developed in which the deployment of a youth coach must ensure a connection with vulnerable students. This youth coach works in both school and extracurricular areas.

In addition, 60 good examples in the field of coaching, guidance and methodologies to prevent early school leaving will be collected. This bundling can serve as a databank and source of inspiration for third parties.

General objectives:

  • – Decrease early school leaving;
  • – Providing support to young people in all areas of life;
  • – Creating a coordinated local network of organizations involved in the social integration of young people and work;
  • – Developing a coaching method to prevent and reduce progress;
  • Talent development among young people.



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